Jonah 4:4, NIV: But the LORD replied, "Is it right for you to be angry?"

When the whole city of Nineveh repented, God determined not to destroy them as He had threatened. It may seem odd, but this angered the Lord's prophet. Jonah was brought to Nineveh to deliver the message that the Lord was about to destroy them--and he wanted to see it happen. But let's not be too quick to judge Jonah. From time to time we can be like Jonah. Sure, maybe we don't sit on a hill and long for fire and brimstone to rain down from heaven upon those we feel deserve God's judgment. But we, in our efforts to do the Lord's work, expect Him to do His work according to our understanding--even becoming frustrated if He does something else. Of the various obstacles we face in our efforts to do God's work, our frustration and anger can become our greatest hurdle. Such frustration can quickly take our eyes off of the work, the purpose of that work, and the Lord whose work it is. If we take our eyes off of Him, how shall we do His work? As God leads us into His work, He is well aware of the obstacles that lie ahead. We have a choice--we can put our eyes back on God and move forward; or we can sit angrily on our hill and glare at the things we think ought not be. In which case we may want to recall God's words to Jonah: "Is it right for you to be angry?" ... Don't be a judging Jonah.