
You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Cor.3:3).

   These words were written nearly 2000 years ago as a letter to the church at Corinth. They have since become part of the greatest written letter that we have ever known--the Bible. The Bible is a treasure chest for those who will open it up to discover what's inside. It is a letter from the Living God to His children to help them to handle life from day to day, to give them direction in a world that has lost its way and to instruct them in righteousness while they live surrounded by evil. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that "All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." The scripture is God's love letter to us, given to encourage, edify, strengthen, lead and instruct. And as great as that letter is, no grander a letter is there than the living letters that are still being written today.
   It has been said, "I would rather see a sermon, than to hear one anytime." It has also been said that "We may be the only Bible many people ever read." Many groups have been formed to take Bibles to all the world. Groups such as the Gideons have been quite successful in getting Bibles to many people. Just count up how many times you have seen a Bible "Placed here by the Gideons" in a hotel room somewhere. Now consider the number of letters written "on tablets of human hearts." How many walking testaments of our Lord are there who have been "written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God?"
   Compare the number of times you have seen a Gideon Bible with the number of times you have seen the walking testaments. Which number is the greater?
   We are to be God's love letter to the world. If we allow Him to use us as such, we as God's letters will be scattered across the face of the earth--a feat the Gideons would applaud. No shipping or handling fees. No fund raisers to buy more Bibles to ship. Instead the letters of God would be placed by the One who wrote them and in such a way that would impact the world in one massive sweep.
   Open up the Bible and what do you see? You will see Words written through men by the Spirit of God to lead, instruct and strengthen. They are Words that are set apart from any other words in any other book. They are Words that draw attention to the God who brought them to be. If we then are God's letters to this world, should we be any less? Shouldn't we be seen as ones who know the Way, and therefore draw others to follow? Shouldn't we also be ones who can demonstrate the use of sound wisdom within the foolishness of this world, or be the ones who can encourage, strengthen and edify those around us? Shouldn't we be set apart and different from others? And shouldn't we, as God's letters, draw attention to the God who brought us to be?
   If we are letters to those around us, what kind of letters are we? Are we love letters from a Gracious God, written to draw people to Him? Or are we letters so filled with stories about personal desires and achievements that all anyone who reads us will ever see is us?

   Who's letter are you? As people read you today, who do they see? If they see only you how will they ever see God and how will they ever be drawn to Him and find Life everlasting?

Day by Day Devotionals: www.daybyday.org